
CIF and NIF validator

Project: CIF and NIF validator
Category:Openbravo ERP
Subcategory:Localization Modules
License:Openbravo Public License
Project Visibility:Public
Created on:2009-08-06
Project Tools:
Bug Tracking
Project Owner:vmromanos
Description:This module implements a callout that checks whether the Business Partner Tax ID introduced by the user is a valid CIF or NIF. Note that, after installing it, you must manually associated the SE_CIFNIF_Validator callout to the TaxID column of the C_BPartner table, compile the Business Partner window and redeploy the application. If you have an Industry Template, this change will be exported with the template, otherwise you need to modify Core, so it's mandatory to set its module as in development before associating the callout.
Project Modules:
CIF and NIF validator