All Modules
2.50 to 3.00 Compatibility Skin
Skin module to proper visualization of classic windows inside the MDI interface
Package Version:2.0.244900
Module Author:Openbravo S.L.U. License Type:Openbravo Public License
Total Downloads:34378 Support by Author:Supported (Included in Subscription)
2.50 to 3.00 Compatibility Skin - Chinese Translation(zh_CN)
This module is the Translation in Simplified Chinese of the Module : "2.50 to 3.00 Compatibility Skin"
Package Version:1.8.0
Module Author:System-In-Motion License Type:Openbravo Public License
Total Downloads:1511 Support by Author:Supported (Included in Subscription)
2.50 to 3.00 Compatibility Skin es_CU
2.50 to 3.00 Compatibility Skin es_CU
Package Version:1.0.0
Module Author:NECTUS License Type:Openbravo Public License
Total Downloads:121 Support by Author:No Information (Ask Openbravo Support)
2.50 to 3.00 Compatibility Skin Translation Spanish
Traduccion del Modulo 2.50 to 3.00 Compatibility Skin al español de Ecuador
Package Version:1.0.6
Module Author:Atrums-IT License Type:Openbravo Public License
Total Downloads:484 Support by Author:No Information (Ask Openbravo Support)
2.50 to 3.00 Compatibility Skin Translation: Spanish (es_ES)
Traducción del módulo 2.50 to 3.00 Compatibility Skin a español de España (es_ES)
Package Version:1.0.232000
Module Author:Openbravo S.L.U. License Type:Openbravo Public License
Total Downloads:772 Support by Author:Supported (Included in Subscription)
3 digits ISO country codes
This module adds the three digits ISO codes to the country definition
Package name:org.openbravo.module.countryisocode Version:1.0.232000
Module Author:Openbravo S.L License Type:Openbravo Public License
Total Downloads:66402 Support by Author:Supported (Included in Subscription)
Access Card Management
Track access card and their assignment history to individuals
Package name:org.openbravo.coworking.crm.accesscards Version:1.4.0
Module Author:Openbravo S.L.U. License Type:Openbravo Commercial License
Total Downloads:280 Support by Author:Unsupported
Access Card Management Translation Spanish Spain es_ES
Traducción al español (España) del módulo de Gestión de Tarjetas de Acceso (Access Card Management)
Package name:org.openbravo.coworking.crm.accesscards.es_ES Version:1.0.0
Module Author:Openbravo S.L.U. License Type:Openbravo Commercial License
Total Downloads:4 Support by Author:Unsupported
Accounting Journal: Italy
Accounting Journal: Italy. Giornale Contabile Italiano
Package name:it.extrasys.accountingjournal Version:3.31.113
Module Author:Extra S.r.l. License Type:Openbravo Commercial License
Total Downloads:94 Support by Author:Unsupported
Accounting Reports
Displaying reports with information about the accounting of the enterprise.
Package name:com.smf.reports.accounts Version:1.1.8 - MP13
Module Author: License Type:Openbravo Commercial License
Total Downloads:7 Support by Author:No Information (Ask Openbravo Support)
Account Tree Export
This module exports the account tree to a csv.
Package Version:3.0.301
Module Author:Openbravo S.L.U. License Type:Openbravo Public License
Total Downloads:1215 Support by Author:Supported (Included in Subscription)
Accruals and Deferrals
Module to automatically generate Accruals and Deferrals plans and their posting.
Package name:org.openbravo.accrualsanddeferrals Version:1.0.300
Module Author:Openbravo S.L.U. License Type:Openbravo Commercial License
Total Downloads:791 Support by Author:Unsupported
Accruals and Deferrals Spanish (Spain) Translation
Traducción al español de España del módulo de periodificaciones contables
Package name:org.openbravo.accrualsanddeferrals.es_ES Version:1.0.100
Module Author:Openbravo S.L. License Type:Openbravo Commercial License
Total Downloads:159 Support by Author:Unsupported
Accruals and Deferrals Translation Italian Italy (it_IT)
Accruals and Deferrals Translation Italian Italy (it_IT). Traduzione italiana modulo Ratei e Risconti
Package name:it.extrasys.accrualsanddeferrals.it_IT Version:0.0.2
Module Author:Extra s.r.l. License Type:Openbravo Public License
Total Downloads:112 Support by Author:Unsupported
Activation of Bill of Materials
Modules that reactivate the BOM functionality
Package Version:1.0.234000
Module Author:Openbravo S.L.U. License Type:Openbravo Commercial License
Total Downloads:1 Support by Author:Supported (Included in Subscription)
Active Discounts Popup
Web POS will show a pop-up in case it applies the discount rules “Buy X and get Y as a gift” or "Spend X and get Y as a gift"
Package name:org.openbravo.retail.activediscountspopup Version:1.0.224000
Module Author:Openbravo, S.L.U. License Type:Openbravo Commercial License
Total Downloads:470 Support by Author:Supported (Included in Subscription)
Active Discounts Popup: Spanish Spain (es_ES)
Popup Descuentos Activos. Traducción al español (español España) del módulo Active Discounts Popup.
Package name:org.openbravo.retail.activediscountspopup.es_ES Version:1.0.101
Module Author:Openbravo S.L.U. License Type:Openbravo Commercial License
Total Downloads:0 Support by Author:Supported (Included in Subscription)
Adaptación WebPos para Factura Electrónica
Este módulo incluye las adecuaciones en forma y formato para guardar las direcciones de los clientes/terceros en Openbravo ERP Y de esta forma cumplir con el desglose y estándar necesario requerido en la dirección de una factura electrónica.
Package name:com.tegik.retail.localizacion Version:1.6.0
Module Author:TEGIK SA DE CV License Type:Openbravo Public License
Total Downloads:414 Support by Author:Supported (Included in Subscription)
Add Attribute to Attribute Set
Add Attribute to Attribute Set of a product with stock
Package name:com.openbravo.gps.addattribute Version:1.1.1
Module Author:GPS - Openbravo License Type:Openbravo Commercial License
Total Downloads:108 Support by Author:Unsupported
Add Payment Credit Payments Grid
Add Payment Credit Payments Grid
Package Version:1.0.232000
Module Author:Openbravo S.L.U License Type:Openbravo Public License
Total Downloads:284 Support by Author:Supported (Included in Subscription)