Module details:CIF and NIF validator

CIF and NIF validator
Name:CIF and NIF validator Version:1.0.0
Maturity Status:Confirmed Stable
Java Package:org.openbravo.module.cifnifvalidator
Type:Module DB Prefix:CIFNIF
Description:Spanish NIF and CIF validator for the Business Partner Tax ID
Help/Comment:This module implements a callout that checks whether the Business Partner Tax ID introduced by the user is a valid CIF or NIF. Note that, after installing it, you must manually associated the SE_CIFNIF_Validator callout to the TaxID column of the C_BPartner table, compile the Business Partner window and redeploy the application. If you have an Industry Template, this change will be exported with the template.
Author:Openbravo SL
Update Info:
Dependant Module NameStart VersionEnd VersionEnforcementCreatedUpdated