Module details:Advanced Payables and Receivables Mngmt

Advanced Payables and Receivables Mngmt
Name:Advanced Payables and Receivables Mngmt Version:1.0.20
Maturity Status:QA Approved
Java Package:org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt
Type:Module DB Prefix:APRM
Description:Managing your finances with an ERP does not have to be difficult. Enjoy a radically improved user experience that combines the power of an enterprise grade financial application with the simplicity and ease of a web 2.0 personal accounting service.
Help/Comment:Advanced Payables and Receivables Management simplifies and automates the business processes around the management of financial accounts, from the receipt and issue of payment, to the reconciliation of those events with bank statements. If you would like to help shape this module you are welcome to take part in the forum discussions or register feature requests or issues in the corresponding (Forum and Bug Tracking) sections in the Advanced Payables and Receivable project in the OB Forge.
Author:Openbravo S.L.U.
Update Info:Fixed issues: 18554: Added accounting dimensions to GL Items created through a payment 18603: Import Bank Statement process fails when bpname has a simple quote 18605: automatic payment wrong generated when PM belongs to FA of different orgs 18620: the field Automatic writeoff amount is displayed 18621: Total amount is not refreshed when removing the GL items 18705 and 18706.Several fixes and inprovements on Payment Monitor process. 18720: modify message when import extension file is not installed or not applied 18733: Import Bank Statement process is not matching BP properly 18734: When reconciling payment status is not updated to RPPC in some conditions 18847: Reconciliation tab in financial account doesn't work 18896: Invoice's Reference for Payment Description problem 18942: validation in payment process is failing 18934 and 18933. Ignore draft bank statement lines in reconciliation process 18676: Make a relationship between the credit payment (the one reconciled) and the later on created invoice payment 18940: Reconciliation posting does not work: This record is being posted by another process 19031, fixes issue 19030, fixes issue 19041: Credit in different currencies than BP price list not allowed 19088: Permission problem when modifying a GL Item in Transactions tab
Dependant Module NameStart VersionEnd VersionEnforcementCreatedUpdated
User Interface Selector1.0.11MAJOR2011-12-132011-12-13