
Cash VAT Management

Name:Cash VAT Management Version:1.3.221000
Project:Cash VAT Management
Maturity Status:Confirmed Stable
Java Package:org.openbravo.module.cashvat
Type:Module DB Prefix:OBCVAT
Description:Cash VAT is a regime organizations may subscribe to, which is already available in some countries, like for example Spain or Germany.
Help/Comment:Organizations subscribed to Cash VAT regime can settle the VAT amounts to the Tax Authorities when collecting/paying the invoices, instead of at invoice creation. This regime may be a good option from a financial point of view, but on the other hand it may imply more effort when submitting the official tax reports. The Cash VAT Management for Openbravo tries to reduce this complexity.
Author:Openbravo SLU
License Type:Openbravo Public License Total Downloads:2165
Support by Author:Supported (Included in Subscription)
VersionMaturity StatusCreatedPosted by
1.3.221000Confirmed Stable2022-01-10vmromanos
1.3.201Confirmed Stable2020-07-16dmiguelez
1.3.100Confirmed Stable2020-01-14vmromanos
1.3.0Confirmed Stable2019-02-01vmromanos
1.0.400Confirmed Stable2017-01-17vmromanos
1.0.300Confirmed Stable2016-08-03aferraz
1.0.201Confirmed Stable2016-06-22vmromanos
1.0.100Confirmed Stable2015-11-26vmromanos
1.0.8Confirmed Stable2015-02-19vmromanos
1.0.7QA Approved2014-10-16vmromanos
1.0.6Confirmed Stable2014-07-16vmromanos
1.0.1QA Approved2014-02-03vmromanos
1.0.0QA Approved2014-01-09vmromanos