Module details:Openbravo Business API

Openbravo Business API
Name:Openbravo Business API Version:1.0.600
Maturity Status:Canceled
Java Package:org.openbravo.api
Type:Module DB Prefix:API
Description:Openbravo Business API infrastructure and common API entity mappings
Help/Comment:Openbravo Business API infrastructure and common API entity mappings
Author:Openbravo S.L.U.
Update Info:Fixes issues: - 49668: Product Image based on External URL - 49167: Unify UOM mapping in all entities that use this field - 49915: Price Exceptions - The end date should not be mandatory - 49946: Mapping for new BP property to consent sending information in paper format - 49991: Check Constraint violation when integrating physical inventory for some products - 49987: Update price exceptions throws errors - 49970: Add Purchasing information to product entity - 50008: Add a field for the promotion code - 50020: Wrong mapping of region property for Organization and Business Partner Location - 50134: New hook needed to throw an event when a purchase order is booked - 50142: When a new BP location is created is not possible retrieve it nor in the db nor using Java mapping - 50190: Adding new fields to order, orderline and order promotion entities - 49969: Wrong mapping in Product API - 50040: Added new property mapping amountPerUnit to Invoice Line Offer entity and unitPrice to Invoice Line entity - 49354: Added related services from a product information in sales order line - 50253: Change the name of originalStore in OrderLine and use transactionOrganization instead - 50261: Lineno property in relatedServices and relatedProducts fields in OrderLine entity needs to be included
Dependant Module NameStart VersionEnd VersionEnforcementCreatedUpdated
Events Core1.0.10200MAJOR2022-10-042022-10-04
External Integration Infrastructure2.0.1700MAJOR2022-10-042022-10-04
Open API1.1.0MAJOR2022-10-042022-10-04