Module details:Advanced Payables and Receivables - Spanish Translation

Advanced Payables and Receivables - Spanish Translation
Name:Advanced Payables and Receivables - Spanish Translation Version:3.0.18
Maturity Status:Confirmed Stable
Java Package:org.openbravo.advpaymentmngt.es_ES
Type:Module DB Prefix:
Description:Módulo de traducción para Advanced Payment and Receivables
Help/Comment:Módulo de traducción para Advanced Payment and Receivables
Author:Openbravo S.L.U.
Update Info:Updated to Openbravo 3.0PR15Q3.1
Dependant Module NameStart VersionEnd VersionEnforcementCreatedUpdated
Advanced Payables and Receivables Mngmt3.0.27080MAJOR2015-10-152015-10-15